Sunday, July 24, 2011


It's has been a heck of a long time since I last blogged on here, almost a full year. You can tell I am not the blogging type as much as I enjoy it, I am truly just the lazy type. I really love expressing my words in written form and always get a lot of intrinsic value from it but I struggle with the motivation part of it. Oh well, I will still write when I can.

Not very much as changed in my RL but soon will be in the upcoming month. Getting a job soon and I also have my cousin visiting me for another week. Been so busy with her and she has kept me on my feet almost everyday, wanting to go out and about the city. I am very much an introvert so it has been hard to have her around 24/7 but I manage to stay sane because I just adore her and I really appreciate the time we spend together. I missed her so much since she moved across the country and I am trying to avoid the sad emotions I will experience when she leaves next week.

I have an actual SL boyfriend, the first one I have ever had. It was so funny how we met and we still laugh about it to this day even though it happened last month. I have been so used to being alone in SL until I got closer to my friends and eventually got included into their family, so it has been an intersting last couple of months in SL. I will try to write more in here but I can't make the promise because if I do, I will probably fail miserably, lol, but I will definitely "try".

Hope everyone is doing well in their life and until next time... ta ta!

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